Some self care tips for stress free holidays
You may not have heard but this week we moved into our caravan to start our 13 months on the road as we do the big lap around Australia! We are currently only five days in and definitely still in holiday mode. It’s reminded me of a conversation my bestie and I regularly have regarding holidaying with young children. Not sure if it is just us but we always joke that when it comes to toddlers you’re basically doing the same s#!t in a different location. You still have to make a million snacks, change nappies and get constantly touched out.
So while we are still in the ‘holiday’ phase of our journey. Here are some things I’ve been taught (or learned the hard way!) which I’m going to try to stick to so that this mumma can stay sane during the silly season.
Why don't you try these self care holiday tips
Don’t over plan or over commit
If you are like me and love catching up with friends and family this one is super tricky. When we lived overseas and would come home for the holidays, I quickly learned that 10 different catch ups in a week wasn’t always possible. So where possible I grouped the catch ups. Like heading to Sunday afternoon barefoot bowls. It’s not always possible now that friends and family are so spread out, but just try to keep it in mind. Remember: it is ok to say no from time to time. Also, if you’ve gone away, you don’t have to visit everyone or every attraction in town. Take plenty of down time where you stay in or close by and make the most of the chance to unwind. You don’t want to spend your whole holidays rushing between a million commitments.
Near enough is good enough
Whether it’s cleaning the house, baking gingerbread or wrapping presents. Perfection is seriously overrated and a very slippery stressful slope. For me it’s all about prioritising the things I really care about and taking a more relaxed approach to the things I don’t. I no longer stress if my wrapping paper doesn’t match the tree, or if I didn’t make a table centre piece. I’ve also learned not to stress over packing, because there is always something I forget and you soon realise you can usually do without it. Finally, you've probably learned by now that I love to bake, in particular at Christmas time! But sometimes if I'm going to a last minute catch up, it's way better for my sanity to pick up some gingerbread men from the shops than pull a mid-night baking session. I’d much rather be relaxed enough to enjoy the holiday season and not stress the small stuff.
Get some of your favourite things too.
If you’re like me, when it comes to shopping for Christmas feasts, or treats to take on visits, it’s easy to remember to cater for everyone else but forget about yourself. Make sure you have some of your favourites on the table. If you don’t get them, there is a chance no one else will. Either that or heavily hint to everyone who is popping in what your favourite chocolates, coffees and flowers are and hope you get spoilt too.
Some me time..
I don’t know why this is so hard for so many of us mums but it really is. Matt is brilliant with the kids but also loves to get in a round of golf, a fish or a run when he can. I love that he knows what he needs and asks for it. I just can’t figure out why I’m so bad at this. If I need a walk or some alone time I know all I need to do is say watch the kids and he is happy to help. But I always get the dreaded mum guilt. So here are some things I’m going to try and do not just during the holiday period but into 2023… take a nap when I need one, have a hot shower ALONE (anyone else’s kids always barge in?), go for a walk, sit and have a coffee uninterrupted… and weirdly I want to start drawing again.
Hug your little people
Because there really is something so magical about Christmas when surrounded by little ones. They bring so much wonderment and awe when they look at the world - time spent with them can be infectious. Plus, hugs cause your body to release oxytocin. This lowers both your and your children's stress levels, and leaves you feeling happier. If you ask me that's exactly how we want to be feeling.
Bonus tip: Last minute gift panic solution
If you're in a last minute panic because you've forgotten a gift or can't find the perfect present for a loved one - gift cards are a great option! With so many brands online offering gift cards, even we do! The gift of choice is sometimes the most thoughtful, allowing the receiver to get something they really want or need.
If you're in need, check out our gift cards here.
So there it is… some ideas for a little self care to help you survive this holiday season!