So many benefits of stacking toys...
Benefits of stacking toys:
Have you seen our beautiful silicone rainbow stackers? We fell in love with these. Not just because they are so so pretty, but more importantly there are so many benefits for introducing babies to stacking toys. Even our preschooler and toddler love them. And what's not to love…
Stacking toys have so many benefits but here’s why I think they are great for babies and young children.
Hand-eye coordination: Stacking toys rely on little hands placing one piece on top of another. This requires little ones to use their arms, hands and fingers in coordination with their vision in order to place the piece in the right position. As we all know, if the positioning is out then it wont stay. While young babies may not be able to understand the complexities of ordering and stacking. They are still developing fine motor skills by picking up, holding, turning over and exploring the pieces.

Problem-solving: Life is basically one big opportunity for exploration for our tiny little people. Introducing stacking toys provides a structured opportunity to develop problem solving skills as they understand concepts such as order. This is because the order has to be correct for the pieces to lock together and therefore they will undergo trial and error as they explore this concept.
Colour recognition: Our star and round stacker have beautiful colours for your little one to explore. Talking with your child as they play with the object eg. ‘Yellow star’ encourages language development and colour recognition. Grouping the objects with other items of the same colour helps reinforce this understanding. E.g. red star with red block.

Goal setting: Encouraging your child to stack toys is introducing the idea of goal setting. While we want to encourage as much open-ended play with our children, it is also important to introduce ideas such as goal setting. This means they have identified a task or an activity they want to complete and then enjoy a sense of accomplishment when they have achieved it.