Some Valentine's Day activities for those feeling a little crafty.
Matt has never been a fan of Valentine’s Day. He refuses to hand over $10 for a card when he believes people should tell each other they love them every single day. So in our house a Valentine’s Day card is never purchased. We don’t buy flashy gifts and at the most we share some chocolates or a nice meal. Valentine’s Day as an event isn’t going anywhere and now that the kids ask about it we are trying to have some fun with it. So here are a few ideas on how we can celebrate with some Valentine’s Day activities without spending big.
Valentine's Day Activities:
Valentine’s day card:

When it comes to making your card, you can go as simple or as fancy as you like. There are plenty of colouring in printables such as these available online. Or you can go big with all the coloured cardboard, paper, stickers, glitter and sparkles you can find. The best part is it keeps little ones entertained and is a whole lot of fun to make.
Valentine’s day baking:

Valentine’s day activities playdough:
Today I found the play dough kit from last year. It is still full of rocks and diggers and insects from doing an in the garden little world play with them. But I think it’s time for the play dough kit to get a Valentine’s Day update. Already I’m thinking I’ll dig out the glass beads, faux flowers and pom poms for this kit. Wish me luck! I’ll let you know what the boys think.