October 4th is World animal day
World Animal Day - with the unveiling of our new World Map baby play mat we thought it was the perfect day to celebrate the range of unique animals from across the world.
World animal day activities for you to try:
Here is a few fun and simple activities you can try to set up some fun World Animal day play experiences for your little explorer.
DIY Play dough kit: world animal day
Our kids are play dough mad so we always have a few colours available in the fridge. But if you don't, no need to stress, here is our no cook play dough recipe. Now you may have seen play dough kids before, and while purchasing pre-made ones is an amazing stress free option. You can always create your own. We used mini jungle animal figurines we had in the play room, popped them in a container with paddle pop sticks, rocks and play dough and voila the kids have a fun play dough kit to create their own animal adventure.
Book marathon:
If your children are anything like mine, they have so many books and such a wide variety. This means often we read the same ones over and over again and the others get forgotten. Use this day as an opportunity to rotate them a bit. Pulling out the animal themed books and placing them in the reading cosy corner let's them explore world animals and engage with you in discussion about different types of animals. You could take this a step further by asking older children to draw their favourite animal afterwards and explain where they live and what they need to survive. Who knows, you might have a budding biologist on your hands.

Animal match:
Using figurines, flash cards, pictures, puzzle pieces etc that you already have in the play room. Help your child match to the animals on their world play mat. See if you can find the continents or oceans all of these animals are found. Remember to ask questions, as this encourages language and reasoning skills. And if you don't know the answers your children ask, explain to your child how you find out. It is never too early to teach them how to find out answers.