Our family in Covid
I know, we have been missing in action most of this year. Our blog posts, tips, recipes, and activities have not been seen for a long time – except occasionally on IG stories. 2020 has well and truly been kicking our butts but it’s time we pulled it together and embraced this new normal of post-mid-current – who bloody knows – pandemic kind of life. So here it is our family in Covid. PJ just hanging at home on a pajama day on his grey diamond play mat plus our car Road trip play mats got a big work out.
So here’s where we are at. In early March (pre-lock down) I had to have surgery and this required a 4-6 week recovery at home (thanks old birth injuries). While recovering, lock downs were put in place and for the most part since I was at home recovering and couldn’t leave the house anyway, life was fairly normal. Here’s where it got weird. Once I had to start going out again I found myself so socially awkward. Did anyone else find that weird? I found being around people uncomfortable after so long with just my family and I found small talk strained. This was so unlike me!! Even eye contact unsettled me and I’m normally very open to social contact.
What it's looked like for us:
PJ feeding the chickens...
This has taken some getting used to, and six months later, I am finally over the social awkwardness. I have found that six weeks at home has made me actually like being at home – eek I said it. We set up a vegie garden, got some new chooks which are finally laying. Finally, we have really slowed down in life and are living far more in the moment. I no longer have outings planned for every single morning and its nice not putting time restraints on myself each day and just going with the flow. Am I the only one who sees this as a bright side?
What I did think about though, was when both my boys were babies, I badly craved and needed the support of other mothers in the same boat. I have mentioned before I love my mothers’ group and I have some friends nearby with children the same age. There were literally days when the kids were younger that we would rock up to each other’s houses half dressed in tracksuit pants (before lounge-wear was an acceptable thing). And we'd take turns picking up take away coffees and debrief on the current stages, triumphs and trials of motherhood.
Support a family in Covid
It occurred to me that now there are so many women with young children that do not have the opportunity. They aren't able to access in person support. Have families on other sides of state borders and cannot see friends and mothers’ groups at health clinics are currently closed. It is these mums we really need to reach out and support. If this is you, I can’t imagine how challenging you have found it. If you know one, I encourage you today to take the time to reach out and send them some love.
We are all in this new crazy version of life together and we need to look out for one another.
Now I promise… you wont have to wait so long in between blogs…