Easter Craft Ideas for the long weekend...
So this week we’ve been looking for some quick and easy Easter craft activities to try at home and we stumbled upon an amazing blog the Imagination Tree. We typed in Easter in the search bar and I must admit I developed a bit of a mum crush! I wish I was this creative and imaginative but I guess that’s the beauty of the world we live in. We have information at our fingertips and we can play to each others talents. So here are my top three Easter picks for activities to try from the Imagination Tree to keep us busy this rainy long weekend. Two of them we have tried and one we’re leaving until Monday.
This is of the two we've tried so far. Firstly, because I had playdough made up in the fridge and a bag of pom poms, pipe cleaners and googly eyes on the counter from yesterday.

Easter egg decorating - the before shot (on grey play mat)
I helped Freddy roll the ball and squash it to look like an Easter egg and then he went to town decorating it. What you might not know is we are basically big nerds in this house. So we loved the bonus of educational opportunities outlined in the blog. Yep, good for motor control development, creativity and yes we can sneak in some maths through counting. Winning. The only thing I’d do differently next time is make sure I have a few more decorations available (pipecleaners were not ideal) and offer them up one by one to keep him engaged a bit longer.

Mid way through our Lego Easter egg painting[/caption]
Duplo – check, paint – check, paper – check. This one was super easy to try because I already had everything I needed at my finger tips. Unfortunately, our paint is some cheap stuff I got from Kmart that doesn’t work very well so I’m going to try again with some better paint another day but it was such a fun idea and we’ve never done stamping before. The concept of stamping paint was excellent for Freddy’s hand-eye coordination and we counted as we did each stamp. They’re drying now but tomorrow we are going to cut them into Easter egg shapes.
We'll use these to write thank you messages on them for everyone that bought us an Easter present.
I cannot wait to try this one!! Only problem is I don’t have a salad spinner so I’m going to grab one at the cheap shop on Monday if they’re open. I googled it and it turns out spin art is a bit of a thing. I think its going to be worth the investment. I’ll let you know how our garland turns out. Freddy is absolutely paint obsessed now, so I know he’s going to have a ball.
Before you go... If you haven't checked them out yet, our non-toxic baby play mats are only a click away.